Nov 24, 2009

Weekly words #5

vaccination/ If a person or animal is vaccinated, they are given a vaccine, usually by injection, to prevent them from getting a disease/

extreme/ extreme means very great in degree or intensity/

symptom/ a symptom of an illness is something wrong with your body or mind that is a sign of the illness/

caregiver/ a caregiver is someone who is responsible for looking after another person, for example, a person who is disabled, ill, or very young/

sneeze/ when you sneeze, you suddenly take in your breath and then blow it down your nose noisily without being able to stop yourself, for example because you have a cold/

sinus/ your sinuses are the spaces in the bone behind your nose/

I has receive sheet about influenza from my nephew school. I want to understand. So I found that.

Nov 19, 2009

News of choice #8

< NFL Fashions A Plan To Dress Up Female Fans >

* Summary & Reaction

The National Football League has sold team merchandise such as jerseys and hats. Nearly all of it has been designed for male fans. But,that is changing, as the women's pro shop is now the NFL's fastest growing department. Resently, many female love the football. They dsess up team coler for support team. Many product made for female. Now football apparel is going high fation. Most people said they do not agree with this article. They thought that this article is irrelevant. I agree with them. I felt that this article a trick of the trade.

News of choice #7

< Oprah Winfrey Show To Go Off The Air In 2011 >
* Summary & Reaction

The Oprah Winfrey Show, will be ends in 2011. The show is very famous in the world.
The show was airing in 145 countries worldwide and watch ed by an estimated 42million viewers a week in the US. But she widely expected to start up a new talk show on OWN : The Oprah Winfrey Network. I have been watching the The Oprah Winfrey Show in Korea. The show was interesting. Some people thought that gladed end show. Other people said that congratulate for her. These comments are interesting. I feel that I am look forward to new show.

Nov 16, 2009

Weekly words #4

polish/ a substance that you put on the surface of an object in order to clean it, protect it/

revitalizing/ to revitalize something that has lost its activity or its health means to make it active or healthy again/

exfoliant/ to exfoliate your skin means to remove the dead cells from its surface using something such as a brush or a special cream/

luminous/ something that is luminous shines or glows in the dark/

complexion/ when you refer to someone's complexion, you are referring to the natural colour or condition of the skin on their face/

refine/ when a substance is refined, it is made pure by having all other substances removed from it/

I bought cosmetic when I went to Shephora.I do not know well that how to use it.
I need explain that I found definitlon.

Nov 12, 2009

News of choice #6

< Ten tips to simplify airport security this holiday season >

*Summary & Reaction
If you use airport this holiday, you have to know these 10 simple tips.
1. Know what 3-1-1 means.
2. Pack carry-ons neatly.
3. Pack holiday goods appropriately.
4. Use the exact name on your ID.
5. Schedule enough wait time.
6. Dress for success.
7. Use a checkpoint-friendly laptop case.
8. Use line time efficiently.
9. Be polite.
10. Choose your line carefully.

When I came to Austin, I waited one hours for security check at Incheon International Airport. There are many people in security zone. Most people does not preparing for security check. I did not preparing, either. This holiday season, I am going to go to travel and use airport. I remember these ten tips.

News of choice #5

Flight attendants may soon get family leave benefits

*summary & reaction

Flight attendants may soon receive benebit. They were considered excluded under the original law. Because they do not work 40 hours weeks. The house will be soon grant this problem. I think this problem is special.They have particularity of an occupation. If they are working like other people, they get injure their body. Because the are work in limitation space. That is an airplane. The space cannot be stay for long time from lack of oxygen. We are qualifying this problem and their particularity of an occupation.

Nov 8, 2009

Weekly words #3

risk/ If there is a risk of something unpleasant, there is a possibility that it will happen/
agent/ An agent is a person who looks after someone else's business affairs or does business on their behalf/
patient/ A patient is a person who is receiving medical treatment from a doctor or hospital. A patient is also someone who is registered with a particular doctor/
translate/ If something that someone has said or written is translated from one language into another, it is said or written again in the second language/
controversial/ If you describe something or someone as controversial, you mean that they are the subject of intense public argument, disagreement, or disapproval/
surgical/ Surgical equipment and clothing is used in surgery/

I received a mail that it is from Scott&White healthcare. It say details including about health care. There is so many words that I do not know. I has decide to find the words.

Nov 5, 2009

News of choice #4

* Summary & Reaction
Christmas Carol premieres in november 6. They just in time for annual observation the holidays seem to arrive sooner every year. Because Christmas films do not follow the same life. They want to maximize the profits. I think, They are have a good sense for business. Whatever, I love Christmas season. Christmas is coming, the time of the year when most people are hoping for some present. What I want for Christmas is a macbook.

News of choice #3

*Summary & Reaction

A Guiness book of world Records authenicated the big meatball.It is a 222.5 pound.
It is the largest meatball in the world. I Saw first that I dare say it is a stone.
They are huge. I thought that it give to Somalia children. If you do that, they will not die of hunger.

Nov 1, 2009

Weekly Words - 2

priority/ If something is a priority, it is the most important thing you have to do or deal with, or must be done or dealt with before everything else you have to do/ I went post office for send a package. Officer asked to me, Would that be priority?

parcel/ A parcel is something wrapped in paper, usually so that it can be sent to someone by post/ I went post office for send a package. Officer asked to me, Where
do you send this parcel? I said, What is a parcel? He said, It is same a package.

creamy/ Food or drink that is creamy contains a lot of cream or milk/ I went HEB for buy a peanut butter. There are two kind peanut butter. One is creamy, the other is chunk.

chunk/ Chunks of something are thick solid pieces of it/ I went HEB for buy a peanut butter. There are two kind peanut butter. One is creamy, the other is chunk.

halloween/ Halloween is the night of the 31st of October and is traditionally said to be the time when ghosts and witches can be seen. On Halloween, children often dress up as ghosts and witches/ Yesterday was halloween day. I have no idea about halloween, so I found it.

words/ meaning/ On saturday night, Many children came my house dress up as ghosts. When I open door, They said. But I can't understand.I guess that "Give me candy." I given chocolate and candy. What did they say? I want to know.