Oct 26, 2009

News Of Choice - 2

Opium takes over families and villages in Afghanistan

link; You can find 'NEWS FOR YOU - October 14, 2009' page,3

Opium use has spread through the whole families and village in Afghanistan. They sells most of its opium to other countries and enough remains. There were at least 200,000 opium and heroin addicts in Afghanistan. The small town addiction sweeps through villages like a plague from old men to toddlers. Most addicts start taking opium to help with illness and pain. They said, "OPium is our doctor". They spend $3-4 a day on opium. But they wage is $2. They have debt. They need urgent help.

I saw picture before read this article. It is get around to enough. After read, I get the shock of my life. I think they make a mistake out of ignorance. They need help near home. We have to help them fall out of addiction.

Oct 25, 2009

Weekly Words

guarantee/ If one thing guarantees another, the first is certain to cause the second thing to happen/ Last night, I bought computer. When I was purchase it, I saw guarantee

tow/ If one vehicle tows another, it pulls it along behind it/ I went U.T for meet my friend. But I can't park everywhere. There was writted that 'tow-awys zone'.

treat/ If you treat someone or something in a particular way, you behave towards them or deal with them in that way/ I met my friend and has dinner with her boyfriend. After dinner, he said, It's my treat.

mash/ If you mash food that is solid but soft, you crush it so that it forms a soft mass/ I saw This at the restaurant in menu. I order mashed potato. I was enjoyed food.

chop/ If you chop something, you cut it into pieces with strong downward movements of a knife or an axe/ On Sunday morning, I baked bread with my sister. I learned this on the breadbox.

combine/ If you combine two or more things or if they combine, they exist together/
This is no.5 same situation

Oct 24, 2009

News Of Choice


*Obama Declares Swine Flu A National Emergency

U.S. President Barack Obama was declaring 2009 H1N1 swine flu a national emergency,
the White House said. They said, We expect the H1N1 flu would probably occur in waves. but we can't predict how high, how far or long the wave will go, or when the next will come. We are now in the second wave of pandemic influenza.

This article said quite problem in the world. I think we lives are in serious danger. But we may be prevent it with ease. We make a point of washing hands, after outside.

Oct 21, 2009


Why do you think Maximus picked up the dirt?
I think mab be he have homesickness. So he is missing his family.

What is the meaning of his action?
I think same reason. And he want to show passion about battle.

Oct 19, 2009


My name is Amy. I am from Korea. I came here 6month ago. I am single and live with my sister family. I here to learn English. Because I plan to go to graduate in U.S.A. When I was live in Korea, my majored Korean Traditional Dance.