Oct 24, 2009

News Of Choice


*Obama Declares Swine Flu A National Emergency

U.S. President Barack Obama was declaring 2009 H1N1 swine flu a national emergency,
the White House said. They said, We expect the H1N1 flu would probably occur in waves. but we can't predict how high, how far or long the wave will go, or when the next will come. We are now in the second wave of pandemic influenza.

This article said quite problem in the world. I think we lives are in serious danger. But we may be prevent it with ease. We make a point of washing hands, after outside.


  1. Hi Amy

    I think this disease is so dangerous as it has become widespread in the world and the vaccine for swine flu more dangerous than the disease itself.

    We pray to God to pay us and all the evil of this scourge and disease.

  2. Hi Amy^^
    Thank you for your information about H1N1 swine flu. Actually I don't worry about this.
    Because when I was in Korea, I heard about this. This flu is not serios thing.
    The serious thing is complication things.
    If our body is weak, then we can't overcome complication. So I think we always keep our health.

  3. Hi Amy
    Of course ypo hvae right when you said: it´s a big problem for all the world
    We need to be alert for all new things than happen with disease
    I think than all people in the world need be more clean, take care myself and listen all importants points for prevent that

  4. I like you're comment Heather. It is so important to stay healthy. But even the healthy people are getting sick!
